
Leadership Insights

To add value to others, one must first value others.
— John Maxwell

Employee Loyalty

According to an American Management Association (AMA) survey conducted of more than 1200 senior-level business, human resources, management professionals, and employees from AMA's database of contacts, more than 50 percent of respondents indicated that their employees are less loyal than five years ago.  Eleven percent indicated their employees were more loyal. 

A key question in the survey asked: In your opinion, how loyal are your employees to the organization compared to five years ago?

According to the research, the decline in loyalty was even more prevalent in larger organizations (more than 1,000 employees), where nearly 61 percent of respondents surveyed considered employees to be less loyal. 

Survey respondents stated that declining employee loyalty is causing lower morale (84%), higher turnover (80%), disengagement (80%), growing distrust (76%), and a lack of team spirit (73%).  And one third of senior leaders surveyed believe that loyalty has a direct relationship to profits.

When leaders were asked about whether promoting employee loyalty was a major focus in their respective organizations, 56 percent indicated it was not a major focus, but it was valued and 24 percent indicated it has never been valued nor a major focus.  20 percent stated it is a major focus.

Is employee loyalty a priority focus in your organization?  Should it be?  How is employee loyalty measured?  How is it tied to outcomes?  If you feel loyalty is waning in your organization, what, if anything, can be done to reverse the trend? 


