
Leadership Insights

To add value to others, one must first value others.
— John Maxwell

Leader Insights

Information and resources that equip leaders to take their leadership practice and results to the next level by utilizing proven methods of development and change.

Coaching Insights: Your Leadership

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When I initially meet with leaders and leadership teams, one of the perspectives I like to gain is about individual and collective philosophies about leadership. In other words, when leaders think about how they lead and why — their leadership philosophy — how do they articulate those elements?

Even more important than articulating one’s philosophy of leadership, how does a leader calibrate the impact of the philosophy as it’s actualized in leading daily? This calibration of how we view our leadership and its actual impact is critical. After all, leadership is about striving toward and accomplishing organizational results with the people we are privileged to lead and serve. Is your leadership getting that done?

To assist you in reflecting on this topic and considering what may be effective or ineffective relative to your leadership, select the link below to access one of our coaching tools.